Cornerstone/ARC Benefits Solutions (Cincinnati, Ohio)

Trusted industries like Wealth Mangement Companies often have increased considerations with digital advertising, from needing special certifications from Google to be able to place their ads, to thinking through compliance regulations for their industry. Having a digital strategist familiar with the individual needs ahead can make a true difference in the experience of starting and continuing your digital advertising endeavors.

How We Helped

Walter814 helped consult Cornerstone/ARC Benefit solutions to obtain a G2 certification, this is a special certification that is requested by Google to ensure that any insurance sales are verified and are able to be trusted by their viewers.Walter814 worked with Google on behalf of Cornerstone/ARC Benefit Solutions to ensure the G2 certification and have all necessary documents provided to ensure the certification. Followed by managing wording and images to be compliant for specialized sales of Medicare services.

Contact us (859) 363-5913 for a Consultation!

About Walter814

We are focused on helping you grow your business. We believe in ownership, education and honest ethical practices. Walter814 provides the tools and knowledge necessary for businesses to make informed decisions about their digital marketing strategies. We allow each business to completely own all marketing accounts in their campaigns.